Our Origin Story
Bringing culturally relevant wellness practices to the Bronx is our calling.
Founder, Yosara Trujillo
In 2008, I left a 15 year career in corporate travel management and moved to Ohio to study law. In December of 2011, I graduated The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law at 40 years of age, and three months pregnant with my first and only child. After returning to New York, and giving birth to my son Prasad, I quickly began to prepare for the New York State Bar exam, with the idea that I would (of course) pursue my legal career here at home.
Still reeling from the chaos that is child birth and new motherhood, I decided I needed yoga and meditation to “get my mind right” in preparation for the exam. But as an unemployed single mother with a tight study schedule, both my time and budget were extremely scarce. At the time, my mother, a Bronx entrepreneur for more than 40 years, gave me some empty office space to use for my studies. Coming from a long line of entrepreneurs that have hustled in the Bronx, these circumstances coupled with some free real estate lead you to one conclusion: “I should start a little yoga studio right here.”
Within a week, I had taken some fabric, and the only $200.00 I had to my name, and I had created Sweet Water Yoga. I hired a yoga instructor, put up a sign and before I knew it, I was making some extra pocket change and business started to grow. More importantly for me, I had access to yoga and meditation as I began my studies. I also started to receive feedback and inquiries about the business. Lawyers, judges and locals alike all thanked me for opening a “yoga studio” (lol!) and shared with me how very necessary this service was in our community. I thanked them, and settled in for my two-month bar study program.
The yoga and meditation worked! I passed the exam and was admitted into practice later than year. As the excitement and relief of having passed the bar began to fade, I quickly realized that the last thing I wanted was to find that coveted “First Year Associate” position
that would have me working 80 hours per week away from my only son, for half the money I was making when I left corporate. Motherhood, and my son, were the greatest gifts I had received, and as I saw Prasad grow from a 3 pound “preemie” to a healthy, happy, sweet, chunky one year old, I knew my time with “my baby” would be short lived. I wanted to enjoy this time with him, before he was five and off to kindergarten, high school, college and life.
Just as I am struggling with this realization, a good friend happened by for a visit on his way around the world. As we caught up, I jokingly asked if he would be interested in investing in a yoga studio in the Bronx. His answer? “Send me the business plan. If it looks good, I will!”
Synchronicity took hold, and all the pieces of what is today Sweet Water Dance & Yoga began to fall artfully into place. The space, the build out, the offerings, the community! My studio, my second child, was born in September 2014, and every day we are thanked by our community for opening our doors.
I opened this studio because I wanted my son to spend the first five years of his life at my side. Prasad turned 8 this year, and while I accomplished that initial goal, a calling has emerged. The Bronx is the least healthy of New York's 62 counties, and the poorest congressional district in the country. Bringing culturally relevant wellness practices to our community was the calling. Sweet Water Dance & Yoga is our answer.
Thank you for allowing us to share ourselves and our story with you.
-Yosara Trujillo
Founder & Head Ohmie in Charge